Since the beginning of the global health crisis, we have been spending most of our time at home. Being stuck in the same four walls, we have to be mindful of what we need to do regularly to maintain our home’s good condition. As we stay at home, one of the things we need to do is to regularly check out our home maintenance checklist to see if we have missed out on anything that needs replacement or repairs.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, there is a great need for proper ventilation in closed areas. This includes the rooms in our homes where we often reside. Proper ventilation is needed to help prevent the spread of the virus and to keep ourselves healthy as we breathe in fresh air during this quarantine period. ;

In maintaining your HVAC system, how do you know when it is time for much-needed repairs?

Repairing Your HVAC System

Just because the cold season is still several months away does not mean you should neglect your heating system these days. Now is the time to do proper maintenance in your HVAC system to avoid any mishaps during the crucial months when you need the system the most. What are the things you need to do in maintaining your heating system?

If it has been a long time since you last checked your heater for maintenance, you might have to have it changed soon. Have it checked by a professional and look for heavy-duty garage heaters that will serve you longer.

Checking your heating system now rather than later will help you save a lot of money on repair expenses when the colder months are nearer and you need to get the job done faster. Regularly schedule a maintenance checkup for your HVAC system throughout the year to prevent this from happening.

Aside from this, you can also look into getting a programmable thermostat to improve your heating system’s efficiency. This will also help you save more money in the long run.

Knowing these maintenance tips can help you get the most out of your HVAC system in the years to come. Make sure to keep a checklist of things to watch out for when maintaining a heating system to stay updated on the needed repairs and replacement of whatever parts are needed.

apartment building with HVAC system

Importance of An HVAC System

While having a heating system is important during the cold months of the year, why else is it important to have a proper and efficient HVAC system in your home?

A good HVAC system is important in maintaining good ventilation at home. Nowadays, it is important to maintain good ventilation in closed rooms and other areas because of the ongoing pandemic. Good ventilation is also important in maintaining proper airflow indoors.

In enclosed areas, ventilation is crucial in minimizing the spread of the virus. The placement and spacing of ventilation systems are also crucial in getting these benefits.

Nowadays, it is important to take all necessary precautions to keep ourselves safe and healthy amid this pandemic. What are other ways in which we can prevent the spread of the virus indoors?

Increasing Home Ventilation

While a good and well-maintained HVAC system is important in keeping proper ventilation indoors, there are other ways you can improve ventilation at home. What can you do to improve airflow within your home?

Depending on the safety of your neighborhood and environment, keep windows and doors open to let fresh air in during the day. Open multiple doors and windows only if it’s safe to do so. Keep windows only slightly cracked open if it is dangerous for other members of the household such as young kids.

Use fans to improve airflow within a room. It is best to use ceiling fans to improve the ventilation in a room with windows open or otherwise. Also, use an exhaust fan in your bathroom and kitchen. Keep these exhaust fans turned on for an hour after visitors leave your home so that virus particles can be removed from the air.

Apart from these ventilation guidelines, it is still best to limit visitors inside the house and to limit the time spent indoors with visitors from other households. If visitors cannot be avoided, make sure they always wear a mask and ask them to strictly follow the social distancing protocol of staying 6 feet apart.

During these uncertain times, it is important to always stay vigilant in implementing safety protocols even with family and friends who tend to visit your home. The virus does not recognize familiar faces so it is important to always practice safety protocols whether with family members or otherwise. If visits cannot be avoided, the least you can do is to increase ventilation in your home to potentially minimize the spread of the virus in the air.

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