People today are spending a considerable amount of time tapping and look at their smartphones. A report from The Guardian revealed that the average person spends 3.25 hours on their smartphones per day. On top of that, the top 20 percent of smartphone users are spending more than 4.5 hours on their mobile devices.

Staring at your smartphone for extended periods can have consequences for your eyes. You could, for instance, develop computer vision syndrome (CVS), a condition that results from focusing your eyes on a digital screen for uninterrupted periods. Additionally, you could eventually impair your vision, which might require you to wear visually impaired aids.

The good news is that there are effective ways to reduce smartphone strain and save your eyes. Here are a few of them:

Remember to Blink

When you’re using your smartphone, you tend to blink less, which tires the eyes. Remedy this by blinking as often as possible. Frequent blinking keeps your eyes moist. It also minimizes eye irritation and dryness.

Take Breaks

If you’re watching a video or surfing the web using your smartphone, take breaks to avoid straining your eyes. Follow the 20-20-20 rule when using your mobile device or computer. The idea is to take a break by looking at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. By following the 20-20-20 habit, you give your eye muscles some time to relax.

Configure Your Device’s Text Size, Brightness, and Contrast

The three aspects of a mobile device that affects the eyes are contrast, brightness, and text size. Brightness and contrast that’s too low or too high can harm your eyesight. When adjusting these two screen settings, make sure that the light of the smartphone matches the light in your area.

When configuring the text size, avoid small fonts, as they strain your eyes and lower your viewing distance. The general rule is to make the text as big as possible without compromising your scrolling time.

Refrain from Using Your Phone during Bedtime

Avoid using your mobile phone in the dark. Your eyes aren’t equipped to handle two luminance extremes. On top of that, nighttime smartphone use also disrupts your sleeping routine. If you have to use your smartphone, turn on your room lights or switch on a background, ambient light.

Clean Your Mobile Phone Screen Regularly

taking photo of a food

A dirty smartphone makes your screen harder to see and places additional strain on your eyes. So wipe the screen of your mobile phone now and then using a dry cleaning cloth. Do this until you get rid of all the fingerprints, dust, and smudges on the screen.

Equip Your Smartphone with an Anti-glare Screen Protector

Screen glare isn’t just annoying. It also places extra demand on your vision, which strains your eyes. Make sure that your smartphone has an anti-glare screen by default. You’ll typically find this in many mid- and high-end mobile devices.

If your smartphone doesn’t have this kind of screen, consider equipping your mobile phone with a screen protector film, an anti-glare glass, or an anti-reflective coating. Alternatively, you could download an app that minimizes the amount of blue light produced by your mobile phone. Take note that it isn’t as effective as the actual anti-glare screen.

These suggestions will help you minimize smartphone eye strain. By adopting effective smartphone habits and making changes to your mobile phone screen, you can enjoy using your smart device without severely ruining your eyesight.

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